Our teachers


Our experienced and diverse team of teachers come from various backgrounds and cultures, each bringing their unique gifts and knowledge to the Dragon Soul community. With a passion for healing and self-discovery, our teachers are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for our guests to explore and grow. From yoga to plant medicines and professional training, our team offers a range of workshops and practices to help you on your journey towards wellness and inner peace.


Master Kambo Teacher

At our Phyllomedusa Frog Detox training, you’ll be guided by Neal Henegar, a Master Kambo Practitioner and leading researcher of frog medicine and the scientific research of Phyllomedusa peptides. Neal has been referred to as the Indiana Jones of frog medicine, due to his tireless efforts in exploring and studying the untapped potential of Amazonian sourced peptides.

As a Cherokee bone setting chiropractor and founding partner of NeoMatrix Medical, a stem cell research company, Neal was initially drawn to the healing potential of frog peptides due to his dissatisfaction with the current state of modern medicine. He recognized the rise of autoimmune and chronic diseases in our world and was frustrated by the limited and harmful treatment options provided by pharmaceutical companies.

Neal has dedicated his life to the study and practice of this ancient form of medicine, traveling the world to learn from indigenous cultures and sharing his knowledge and expertise with others.

At this training, Neal and the Medicine Frog Foundation’s Medical Doctors will work closely with you to create a personalized ceremony that is tailored to your unique needs and goals. You’ll benefit from his extensive knowledge of frog medicine and his experience as a chiropractor and stem cell researcher, as he supports you to release physical and emotional blockages, as well as any holding patterns of panema. Panema otherwise referred to as “bad luck energy” by the indigenous holders of this medicine, this energy is what holds us back in life via low energy or sickness, disrupting our circadian rhythms and putting us out of balance with nature and our most fulfilling lives.

Neal’s passion for frog medicine and his commitment to healing make him an exceptional facilitator and guide for your Phyllomedusa Frog Detox Training. You’ll be in the best of hands as you embark on your transformative journey towards greater health, vitality, and space holding.

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    Trained in Cherokee Bone setting

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    Thai Yoga massage and advanced bodywork

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    Licensed Massage Therapist

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    Supreme Qi gong instructor

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    Registered Yoga Teacher 200 RYT

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    Phytonutrient Nutrition Coach

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    Plant Medicine and Psychedelic space holder

Kristina BOCCIO

Assistant Kambo Teacher

Kambo called Kristina after sitting with the medicine for the first time during a 3-day initiation ceremony. Kristina met Kambo with the intention of clearing the psychological and physical blockages of grief. With Kambo, Kristina experienced immense clarity and soon found herself hiking back from the beach in Hawaii. During the hike, the path was suddenly illuminated with hundreds of amphibians. On every foot of the path, toads were leaping. Not long after that experience on the hike, training with Kambo Frog Detox aligned for Kristina. As a lifetime learner, Kristina has studied dozens of holistic modalities that have led her back to nature and inner-stands that the body can self-heal when given the correct tools and environment.

Kristina remains close to nature and has continued to study nutrition since 2012. Each modality Kristina has studied leads to the next as she focuses on supporting women and families through childbearing as a full spectrum Doula, herbalist, and holistic wellness practitioner. Most recently, Kristina has trained as a phlebotomist and volunteered at an administration clinic for ozone and stem cells for regenerative growth and the management of chronic illnesses. Kristina now assists Kambo Training alongside her partner, Neal, while running Dragon Soul Retreat Center.

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    Licensed Massage Therapist

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    Yoga Teacher 400 RYT

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    Plant Medicine and Psychedelic space holder

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    Holistic Nutrition & Wellness Coach

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    Preconception - Postpartum specialist

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    Reiki and Quantum Touch Certified

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    Tantra and womb healer

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    Qi gong healer

Janny Pitchaya Damman

Yoga Teacher

Introducing Janny Pitchaya Damman, our passionate and highly skilled yoga teacher at Dragon Soul Retreat Center! Janny is a certified Yoga Alliance RYS 200 instructor with extensive experience teaching yoga to individuals of all ages. Her focus on safety techniques for beginners makes her classes accessible and enjoyable for all levels of practitioners.

With a background in dance and a classical ballet progressive certification, Janny brings a unique element to her yoga classes. She creates a safe and supportive space for her students to explore their yoga practice, and her positive attitude and dedication make her an invaluable member of our team.

Come and experience Janny’s dynamic teaching style at Dragon Soul Retreat Center!

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    Yoga RYS 200 Alliance

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    Hatha Yoga

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    Vinyasa Yoga

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    Safety yoga technique for beginner

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    Teaching skill with all ages

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    CSCD certificate classical ballet

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    Danse classes


Piaroa Medecine Facilitator

Meet our facilitator, Hidde – an experienced and dedicated practitioner of the Piaroa Ceremony. Hidde is deeply honored to share this powerful plant medicine with the world, and has been granted permission by Wotuja Grandfather and Shaman Julio, the right-hand man of Grandfather Bolivar for over 40 years.

Hidde has spent the last few years studying with the Wotuja tribe in the Amazon, immersing himself in their traditions, and learning the secrets of the Piaroa Ceremony. Since 2018, he has been serving this medicine all over the world, continuing the legacy of the Wotuja people.

In December 2022, Hidde journeyed back to the Amazon and brought fresh Piaroa Ceremony medicine with him, ensuring that our guests have access to the purest and most potent medicine available.

Hidde is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment for our guests, and is dedicated to providing guidance and support throughout the entire process. He has a deep understanding of the power and potential of this medicine, and is passionate about helping others discover the transformative benefits of the Piaroa Ceremony.

With Hidde as your facilitator, you can rest assured that you are in the hands of a skilled and compassionate guide who will support you every step of the way on your journey of healing and transformation.

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    Three-year Ayurveda Practitioner program in USA

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    Training in cranio-sacral, lymphatic drainage, fascia release, nasya, somatic trauma release

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    Herbalist certification

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    Wellness Director and detox consultant for health and detox centers

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    Specialization in emotional de-armoring energy work and chi nei tsang (abdominal massage)

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    Healing Arts and Self-Empowered Healing